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Site visit to Harp Renewables - aerobic digestion manufacturer in Ireland

Tony Johnston and Alex Yu

Apr 16, 2024

Site visit to Harp Renewables in Co Meath. Founder and company Director, Shane Finnegan established Harp Renewables Ltd. in 2014 to provide a renewable and sustainable solution for the treatment of organic waste. Since that time, Harp Renewables has emerged as a global leader in thermophilic aerobic digestion, and waste treatment solutions. Harp Renewables manufactures and sells a range of Harp Bio-Digesters that convert food and other organic waste into a dry, safe, nutrient-rich, bio-fertiliser within a 24 hour period. Thus reducing it’s weight and volume by up to 75-85%.

In April 2024 Tony Johnston and Alex Yu visited Harp Renewables in Navan, Co. Meath. This is a fascinating business which manufactures and exports aerobic digestion systems to clients all over the world, including food producers, hotels, restaurants. The scale of these products ranges from small home sized composters, which we have purchased to trial (capable of taking 2kg of food per day(, to large scale industrial food production solutions, capable of taking hundreds of kilos of food per day.

Shane and Gerry toured us around the plant and it was great to see the company's focus on sustainability, their dedication to circular economy and food waste solutions and even their impact on the local community who they support with a composting service.



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